
Alabama Honduras Medical Educational Network
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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Is It More Than the Economy, Stupid?

Bill Clinton adviser James Carville answered "The economy, stupid" when he was asked to identify the main issue of the 1992 U.S. Presidential election.  Since this time, the phrase has become popularized by candidates who claim glorious plans to fill every oven with a turkey and every driveway with a Cadillac.  Two additional mantras donning Clinton's Little Rock, Arkansas campaign headquarters, however, also gained speed.  As a set, Clinton's daily reminder read:

                              -Change vs. more of the same
                              -The economy, stupid
                              -Don't forget health care.

Why is this blogger of things Honduran writing about Bill Clinton and an election won over twenty years ago?

I include this list of "How to Win an Election For Dummies" because, it is being used by the three major candidates in this year's Honduran Presidential election amidst the complexity of transformative change in Honduras.  

I certainly do think that fresh ideas, diversified economic plans, and building a more effective health care infrastructure are key to the development of Honduras into a safer place to live and grow; nonetheless, as Jimmy Buffet's hit single "Fruitcakes" claims, "The God's honest truth is it's not that simple."

Sooooo ..... what do we as volunteers to Honduras hope the three Honduran Presidential candidates will achieve in the next four years?  What is the ONE thing they could do to radically change their country for the better?  What do you hope they WON'T do?  How can the Presidential candidates help volunteers, humanitarians, and missionaries who visit Honduras by the tens of thousands each year be more effective?

Express your opinions here today!

Also, if you would like to join an AHMEN educational or medical team to Honduras just shoot me an email!

Together, we are the difference.


  1. I would really LOVE to see someone come up with a positive way of empowering the people to stand up against crime and corruption in this country. As a missionary, I see both constantly. Recently I was violently attacked by a young man and I managed to credibly defend myself because I was twice his size and he wasn't armed, but when he was let out of jail the very next day it didn't do much in the way of encouraging me to have faith in the system. Crime is not as much a problem where I live, but in the large cities, when I go there, as I must from time to time, my wife and I are worried to take our family out of the hotel for a walk in the day time, let alone go to a restaurant or movie at night. I don't necessarily think the militarization of the police is the best answer, but something needs to be done. Wouldn't it be great if Hondurans had enough pride in their country to stand up to criminals as a community and let them know that what they are doing is NOT okay in this town or that one?

  2. Hi Roger, do you live in Honduras currently? Tell us where you are a missionary! I'm sorry to hear you were violently attacked recently. I would like to think the militarization of the police would decrease the violence, but I feel like the violence and abuse has infiltrated every part of society including the military. Something needs to be done, and I agree with you. It would be nice to see Honduran communities nonviolently stand up to criminals of all kinds. Thanks for your comment!
