
Alabama Honduras Medical Educational Network
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Sunday, November 25, 2012

AHMEN General Meeting 2012: How can we do better?

As a theme for this year's AHMEN General Meeting we asked our missionaries to consider how we can all do a better job of partnering with Honduran communities.  In-lieu of team reports, team leaders and representatives recalled experiences over the past year to share "teachable" moments with the rest of us.  Here is a snapshot from two weekends ago.

From Front Left Clockwise: Rev. Genia Garrett, Michael Franklin, Tom Corson, Hugh and Mary Guffey, Ken Corson, Tony Ponceti, and Johnathan

Ken Corson and I enjoyed sharing stories.

I would love to be a fly on the wall when these two talk turkey!

Sometimes it's just fun meeting folks who share in your passion to love.

We held a Team Leader Refresher Training..."Catch the talking stick!"

Tina Corley, of the "Feed My Sheep" team, compared her team's water purification techniques.

Tony Ponceti from G.O.A.L.S. Mentoring discussed his own experiences with water purification.

We agreed that every team should participate in water projects.  Sawyer offers a missionary discount through December. 

We also agreed that every team should learn to use and utilize the AHMEN Electronic Database for team record keeping.  Contact "Data" Bruce McFadden for more information.

We held round table discussions on clean water technology, container shipping, evangelism, grant writing, and communication/networking. 

And of course the AHMEN "Chiefs" enjoyed a round table discussion of their own!

Johnathan of Dominican Republic-Haiti and Joshua of USA-Honduras were there.

And we all looked above...

toward Guffey!

Mike Escara of "Mano a Mano" proved the value of networking...contact us for the rest of the story!

Tom Arnold talked about working with AHMEN-SIFAT Agents in La Moskitia.

And Tom Corson discussed the future of SIFAT in Honduras.

We focused our attention on water, communication, and appropriate relief and development.  Methods of evangelism also took center stage.  Each of us demonstrated our love for Honduras in different ways, but different does not mean deficient.  At the this year's General Meeting AHMEN leadership joined together to compare notes and learn from each other.  And if this "meeting of the minds" was any indication, we may just get something done in 2013!

Have you thought about including the AHMEN-SIFAT Initiative as a part of your regular holiday donation cycle?  Contact me today to learn more about how just a small monthly donation will enable almost 200 Honduran leaders battle HIV/AIDS, malaria, and waterborne illnesses in their home communities.


  1. Thanks for this article Michael. I'm sorry CD & I couldn't be there. And yes, may we please remember that these Hondurans are no different than us, needing nutritious food, clean water, clothing, and decent shelter.

    1. Thanks Linda! I agree. When we remember that we are all human beings with the same needs there is no other option but to get moving! We missed you and CD, but Tina did a great job in your stead :)

  2. What a joy to see Christians coming together to talk about what MORE they can to do promote the message and love of Christ. I am always amazed how God is working in this world during my lifetime. What a joy to behold! And if I had sat on my rear and stayed home watching TV, etc. God would have passed this blessing on to others. I might have been too lazy to look at the doors He is opening for His people. Thanks you Lord, for letting me hear and see what You are doing around me. I do not deserve this information, but thank you Lord for letting me be in the presences of your Holy Spirit working in 2012!

    Ray C
