
Alabama Honduras Medical Educational Network
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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas Presents From Pastor Wilinton

Greetings and Happy Holidays!

The hustle and bustle of shopping, family visits, and forced feeding of Christmas cookies are a good reminder that it is time to reflect on the slow and steady work of planning AHMEN’s 2017 community development goals for 2017.  To do this, Byron Morales, Dr. Tom Camp, and I take into account what the local community agents in each of the “Agentes Comunitarios de Salud Integral” workshops throughout Honduras have shared with us.  We use this information to envision what is practical and possible for the upcoming new year while also looking well beyond into the future.  You see, gone are the days when we sit around and decide what the people in Honduras need.  Our entire launching pad into missions is now fueled by the needs and dreams of the local committees in Cusuna, Jutiapa, Raistá, and Yorito.  

From Left to Right: Ambel, Wilinton, and Tomasa of Kury, La Moskitia, Gracias a Dios, Honduras

See below for their reports!

Here Pastor Wilinton and his daughter Ambel tell of two incidences where community agents employed the training they received from the Río de Agua Viva team.  (1) A pregnant woman with no access to medical care was aided in her delivery with the birthing techniques Dr. Ben Coplan shared last June.  (2) A young man's canoe flipped over on him, and he began to drown.  The CAs used their CPR training from Leana Moncada to save his life.

Here, Tomasa tells of a woman who had been waiting for an extended period of time on a nurse to come diagnose and treat her body pain.  When the pain became unbearable, a brigade of community agents arrived and employed the massage therapy techniques that Caden Camp taught in June.  The woman began to feel better even after just a single treatment.  Her hope is that more agents will be trained so that all of La Moskitia will reap the benefits of the education AHMEN provides.

If you would like to work with the ACSI community agents in 2017, please contact me today!  You have a gift to share with Wilinton and his fellow agents across Honduras.  We need you on the Río de Agua Viva team as a teacher, long-term planner, researcher, photographer, storyteller, and good will ambassador.  We also welcome more input from more voices as we continue to plan the most effective and appropriate approaches to long-term, sustainable education outreach in Honduras.

Together, we are the difference.