
Alabama Honduras Medical Educational Network
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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

I'm Back, Baby!!

In his infamous ballad "Brownsville Girl" Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan sings "Now I've always been the kind of person that doesn't like to trespass. But sometimes you just find yourself over the line." On this most-recent voyage through Honduras I felt myself "over the line" on several occasions.

From wearing a tie in Honduras for the first time and attending the Consejo Nacional Anticorrupción Cinco Estrellas award ceremony and negotiating my way through the national protests and roadblocks, to traveling alone in the collectivos all the way from Pueblo Nuevo to Sambo Creek, I continuously found myself in what could have been some precarious situations over the last twenty-two days.

Of course, when God has our backs, we tend to trust all will work out according to plan. And in terms of completing the mission of AHMEN's Río de Agua Viva team, it did!

Tune in over the next several weeks as I relay tales from my time in Honduras this summer.

As you do, remember that anyone can play a role in making our work in Honduras possible. Whether it is fundraising, donating, praying, or physically joining a team, educational empowerment is a relationship you can help build through your participation with our team.

Together, we are the difference.